I draw stuff!! ✍️
AuDHD gang
I'm a guy, I just like pink

James @DGPlasm

Age 23, Male


Squidward Community College

Joined on 12/5/22

Exp Points:
536 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.97 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2m 1d

DGPlasm's News

Posted by DGPlasm - March 10th, 2023

The secretary on vacation, toooootally unaware of how skimpy her outfit is. :|




Posted by DGPlasm - March 9th, 2023

Been a little while. I've been inactive because, well, quite frankly I've been very uninspired. Or rather, anything I have thought of as "suitable" has been uninspiring for me to create. And so, I've been drawing here and there, but haven't cared at all about what I've been making. So, well..

I've decided I wanna try making some more risqué art. Because I used to do that, and I enjoyed doing it a lot. I guess I have been afraid to delve into that again because I don't want to be looked down upon for it. But I decided I really wanna try it again, and see how it goes. If anyone isn't really into curvy drawings, that's okay. But it's what I like doing, so I wanna do it again. So yeah, that's about it. Adios for now.



Posted by DGPlasm - January 30th, 2023

Always be wary of anyone online who wants to commission art from you. Someone just tried to do a digital check scam on me.

Essentially with this particular tactic, they send you more than you asked for, and then they will ask you to send the remainder back. Once you do, they have your info. Thankfully this guy told me ahead of time that he was going to send more, because he had a minimum he could send with his business account.

This is an insanely easy way to scam freelancers, because if you don't send the remainder back then you just technically stole from them. If you are an honest individual, you have to cooperate. It's so messed up. Thankfully I backed out of the deal once I saw what was happening, before he paid me.

Moral of the story is: Use Paypal or something. This guy said he couldn't use Paypal. Which is weird considering he is supposedly a business man. But yeah. Haha. I guess that is all. Just be careful, folks.



Posted by DGPlasm - January 22nd, 2023

If you think hollow generated AI imagery will replace your art, there's something wrong with how you view your work. Take a step back and realize why you do what you do. And if your art lacks soul, put your heart into it. Machines cannot love.

It is, however, an important issue. I am hopeful to see more legal action happening regarding the open art theft.



Posted by DGPlasm - January 20th, 2023

I'm just drawing right now.



Posted by DGPlasm - January 18th, 2023

I was experimenting with a hard round glaze brush at very low opacity + pressure opacity, and it felt very nice. It's kinda similar to painting with thinned oil paints.


It's a slower process but feels way more relaxing than relying on pressure opacity for everything. Also if you're using Photoshop, you get the same effect by default with its default round brush, I think.



Posted by DGPlasm - January 16th, 2023

Figured I would say that I'm aiming to do concept art, so my workflows and such are intended to be as such. Because I am a digital sculptor originally, and just started doing painting and drawing education a year and a half ago, I want to leverage my sculpting background more, in order to hopefully come up with some cooler end results.

This means I am adopting a workflow like what movie and AAA studios use, where I would do quick design drawings, and then a rough sculpted model, and then use that as reference to make the final painted concept art/illustration. So yeah, consequently, my work may seem random at times, but it's all related. I hope to unify my style more across different mediums too. I am enjoying my semi realistic style in sculpting, and hope to translate that over to my drawn and painted work more. So ye that's all for now.


Posted by DGPlasm - January 14th, 2023

I am gonna take a break from drawing and painting for a lil bit, not sure exactly how long. I am not sure exactly what I am trying to do anymore. Feeling some mega burnout after a year and a half of it nonstop. So I wanna switch my medium up and do some more sculpting, because my recent one felt great to do. So yea, I might be posting some sculpted stuff here and there, or not. Depends on what I feel like doing.


Posted by DGPlasm - January 8th, 2023

I sculpted this today for drawing reference. :) I have been developing an art style, and I needed to see it in 3D so that I can practice drawing it at a lot of angles. Edit: I tweaked the proportions more, and did a few drawings based on it to see how it felt. I'm very happy with it!






Posted by DGPlasm - January 7th, 2023

It's simple but, I want to practice much more consistently this year, and set a lot more short term goals and objectives for myself. Making homework assignments for myself to focus on each day, frequent photo studies, etc. I also want to try and stick to more consistent workflow habits so that I can get very good at a particular way of working. This should hopefully lower a lot of the stress too. So yeah anyway, that's about it! I just wanna see how much I can improve in a single year. No particular milestone in mind, but instead aiming for a high score. 😄
