I draw stuff!! ✍️
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I'm a guy, I just like pink

James @DGPlasm

Age 23, Male


Squidward Community College

Joined on 12/5/22

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Deleted my Artstation

Posted by DGPlasm - December 22nd, 2022

Yep. I did it. I deleted my Artstation. All of my favorite artists who had portfolios there were abandoning Artstation, and so will I. Very sad to see Epic Games ruin what was once such an excellent platform. Now, reduced to AI generated dust and image scraping (stealing). Goodbye to them, hello to Newgrounds. The platform that refuses to die and keeps getting better. Here's a bad drawing to celebrate!





WTF, sounds crazy. I rarely visit there for games fan art

Yeh Epic Games was letting AI images appear on the front page and even encouraging it. And has done nothing to prevent theft from artists with AI data scraping. Artists all over have formed a huge protest there. "No AI Art" images were flooding the front page. Top artists have left there. It's been a glorious mess.

You love to see it, well done.

So sad to hear about it.... but guess you just have to keep moving onwards, can't cry over spilled ai generated milk

I think the original Artstation owners wouldn't do this crap. Epic are just scummy.

@VulpsVulps @FormlessAndVoid My own decision to delete my ArtStation came when I realized "You know, these controversies seem to have started when Epic bought ArtStation." I still remember the NFT controversy from early 2021, and apparently some of the protests brought to light that ArtStation was also apparently censoring Pro-Ukraine art earlier this year (I didn't look at ArtStation at all during that period, apparently, so I didn't know). I think Epic tried to appease us by suddenly making all their tutorials free to users after buying ArtStation, but I feel like even if they took care of this recent AI art controversy, how can we be sure they won't fight with their own users again in another 3-6 months over some other obnoxious tech bro trend? Good thing I learned in college how to make my own portfolio website instead.

I'm sad that I'm alive to see artists being replaced by machines like some 1920's factory worker. It's good to have you here.

I think times will get better soon. It's just a matter of some good legal and ethics cases. There's tons of support for our side. And thank you!

@jthrash Yeah, I feel that its rotten to the core sadly...

@Royal-Harmonica These tech bros are working overtime to replace ALL jobs, with ChatGPT in particular trying to replace programmers, writers and even college essay students in one fell swoop. I don’t think it would be hard at all for lawyers to argue that any AI technology currently making headlines right now is made specifically to replace humanity in general and cause economic havoc, or that a lot of the pro-AI crowd has publicly admitted on various social media platforms that they see humans as “obsolete.” If politicians don’t put a stop to this mad scientist experiment for the sake of artists or other jobs, they’ll do it to protect themselves and their careers from AI deepfakes being used to make conspiracy theories more convincing.

A lot of pro-AI debaters I’ve seen, especially on Polycount’s forums, seem to fail to grasp basic US copyright law or resort to the usual logical fallacies (especially the ol’ “False Dichotomy” bit) instead of giving actual arguments for their side. Just like with NFT/crypto debates last year. If tech bros still have the shameless hubris they had when failing to defend crypto practices in court, then we should be fine.

100% agreed